
Auf meiner langen Liste der noch zu erledigenden Dinge steht es auch, Ihnen all die Zeitschriftenbeiträge seit 2014 noch heraus zu suchen und hier zu veröffentlichen. Denn natürlich habe ich auch seitdem noch Einiges veröffentlicht. Das folgt noch – versprochen!


Hüther, G.
Lifelong plasticity of the human brain and is implications for the Prevention and Treatment of Mental Disorders
Dynamische Psychiatrie, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie, Jahrgang 47., 2014, 2-3, Nr. 206-263, Seiten 108-125, ISSN 0012-740 X


Hüther, G.
Angst- und stressbedingte Störungen
Auf dem Weg zu einer neurobiologisch fundierten Psychotherapie

Zeitschrift Psychotherapeut (2007), Band 52, Heft 3, Seite 166-176, Hogrefe Verlag

Hüther, G.,
Neurobiological approaches to a better understanding of human nature and human values
In: Kümmerle, H., Rüsen, J., Essen, G., The Journal of Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, (2007), Interpak Verlag, Seiten 331 – 344. ISSN 1817– 4434

Hüther, G.,
Relationship between Nocturnal Urinary Cortisol Excretion and Symptom Severity in Subgroups of Patients with Depressive Episodes
Neuropsychobiology, 2007, Nr. 56, Seiten 119-122., Karger Verlag Basel


Annette Spreer, Joachim Gerber, Daniel Baake, Mareike Hanssen, Gerald Hüther, Roland Nau
Antiinflammotory but no neuroprotective effets of Melatonin under clinical treatment conditions in rabbit models of bacterial Meningitis
Journal of Neuroscience Research 84, 1575-1579, 2006


Bock, N., Quentin, DJ., Hüther, G., Moll, GH., Banaschewski, T., Rothenberger, A.
Very early treatment with fluoxetine and reboxetine causing long-lasting change of the serotonin but not the noradrenaline transporter in the frontal cortex of rats
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (2): 107-112 (2005). ISSN 1562-2975

Hüther, G.
Mein Körper – das bin doch ich…. Neurobiologische Argumente für den Einsatz körperorientierter Verfahren in der Psychotherapie
Psychoanalyse & Körper, Jahrgang 4, 7, 7-23, 2005, ISSN 1610-5087

Hüther, G.
ADHS – Abschied vom alten neurobiologischen Modell
ARS Medici 17, 776-782, 2005, ISSN 0004-2897

Hüther, G.
Über die Kunst, gute Erfahrungen im Gehirn zu verankern
Wien med. Wochenschr. 155, 23-23, 537-543, 2005

Jozsa, R., Halber, F., Hüther, G.
Chronomics, neuroendocrine feedsidewards and the recording and consultin of nowcasts – forecasts of geomagnetics
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 59, 24-30, 2005

Meier, A., Neumann, AC., Jordan, W., Hüther, G., Rodenbeck, A., Rüther, E., Cohrs, S.
Ziprasidone decreases cortisol excretion in healthy subjects
British Jorunal of Clinical Pharmacology 60, 3, 330-336, 2005

Poeggeler, B., Cornélissen, G., Hüther, G., Hardeland, R., Józsa, R., Zeman, M., Stebelova, K., Oláf, A., Bubenik, G., Pan, W., Otsuka, K., Schartzkopff, O., Bakken, EE., Halber, F.
Chronomics affirm extending scope of lead in phase of duodenal vs. pinal circadian melatonin rhythms
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 59, 220-224, 2005

Stebelova, K., Zeman, M., Hüther, G., et. al.
Chronomics reveal and quantifiy circadian rhythmic melatonin in duodenum of rats
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy59, 209-212, 2005

Zeman, M., Jozsa, R., Cornelissen, G., Stebelova, K., Bubenik, G., Olah, A., Poeggeler, B., Huether, G., Hardeland, R., Nagy, G., Czernus, V., Pan, W., Otsuka, K., Halberg, F.
Chronomics: circadian lead of extrapineal vs. pineal melatonin rhythms with an infradian hypothalamic exploration
Biomediine & Pharmacotheapie 59, 213-219, 2005


Cohrs, S., Pohlmann, K., Guan, Z., Jordan, W., Meier, A., Hüther, G., Rüther, E., Rodenbeck, A.
Quetiapine reduces nocturnal urinary cortisol excretion in healthy subjects
Psychopharmacology 174: 414-420, 2004

Bock, N., Moll, G.-H., Wicker, M., Pilz, J., Rüther, E., Banaschewski, T., Hüther, G., Rothenberger, A.
Early administration of tiapride to young rats without long-lasting changes in the development of the dopaminergic system
Pharmacopsychiatry 37:163-167, 2004, ISSN 0176-3679


Becker, A., Peters, B., Schroeder, H., Mann, T., Hüther, G., Grecksch, G.
Ketamine-induced changes in rat behaviour: a possible animal model of schizophrenia
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 27, 687-700, 2003

Michalsen, A., Schlegel, F., Rodenbeck, A., Lüdtke, R., Hüther, G., Teschler, H., Dobos, G.J.
Effects of short-term modified fasting on sleep patterns and daytime vigilance in non-obsese subjects: results of a pilot study
Ann Nut Metab 47, 194-200, 2003

Michalsen, A., Schneider, S., Rodenbeck, A., Rüdtke, G., Hüther, G., Dobos, G.J.
The short-term effects of fasting on the neuroendocrine system in patients with chronic pain syndromes
Nutritional neuroscience 6, 11-18, 2003

Rabung, S., Schmidt, C., Hüther, G., Schauenburg, H.
The influence of psychosocial stressors on neuroimmunological parameters and skin conditions in a patient with atopic dermatitis
Dermatol Psychosom 4, 207-214, 2003


Hüther, G.
Und nichts wird fortan so sein wie bisher….
Analy. Kinder- u. Jugendlichenpsychotherapie. Bd 23, 116, 461-476, 2002

Hüther, G.
Die neurobiologische Verankerung traumatischer Erfahrungen
Experimentelle und klinische Hypnose, 18, 1/2, 7-22, 2002

Moll, G. H., Rothenberger, A., Rüther, E., Hüther, G.
Entwicklunspsychopharmakologie in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie
Psychopharmakotherapie 9, 19-24, 2002

Sachsse, M.,D., von der Heyde, S., Hüther, G.
Stress regulation and self-mutilating behavior
Am J. Psychiatry 159, 4, 674ff., 2002

Hüther, G., Wedekind, D., Adler, L.
Die Bedeutung emotionaler Reaktionen als Trigger für strukturelle Anpassungsprozesse im menschlichen Gehirn
Systeme, Jg. 16, 2, 66-75


Doering, S., Wedekind, D., Pilz, J., Bandelow, B., Adler, L., Hüther, G.
Cortisolbestimmung im Nachturin – Vorstellung einer Methode für die psychoneuroendokrinologische Forschung
Z. psychosom.Med. Psychother. 47, 42-57, 2001

Hüther, G.
Neurobiologische Effekte und psychische Auswirkungen des Fastens
Erfahrungsheilkunde 50, 468-471, 2001

Hüther, G.
Kritische Anmerkungen zu den bei ADHD-Kindern beobachteten neurobiologischen Veränderungen und den vermuteten Wirkungen von Psychostimulanzien (Ritalin®)
Analyt. Kinder- u. Jugendlichenpsychother. 32, 471-486, 2001

Hüther, G.
Zeit für mehr Gemeinsamkeit: Perspektiven einer Synthese zwischen Hirnforschung und Psychotherapie
Impulse für die Psychotherapie, 6, 74-84, 2001

Hüther, G.
Psychoanalyse und Neurowissenschaften – Die neurobiologische Verankerung von Erfahrungen
Psychosozial. Heft IV. 86, 69-79, 2001

Hüther, G.
Gewalterfahrung und Verarbeitung traumatischer Erinnerungen aus neurobiologischer Sicht
Integrative Therapie. 4, 413-424, 2001

Messner, M., Hüther, G., Lorf, T., Ramadori, G., Schwörer, H.
Presence of melatonin in the human hepatobiliary-gastrointestinal tract
Life Sciences 69, 543-551, 2001

Moll, G.H., Hause, S., Rüther, E., Rothenberger, A., Hüther, G.
Early methylphenidate administration to young rats causes a persistent reduction in the density of striatal dopamine transporters
J of Child and Adolescent Psychopharm. 11, 15-24, 2001

Doering, S., Wedekind, D., Pilz, J., Bandelow, B., Adler, L., Hüther, G.
Cortisolbestimmung im Nachturin – Vorstellung einer Methode für die psychoneuroendokrinologische Forschung
Z. psychosom.Med. Psychother. 47, 42-57, 2001


Moll, G.H., Mehnert, C., Wicker, M., Bock, N., Rothenberger, A., Rüther, E., Hüther, G.
Age-associated changes in the densities of presynaptic monoamine transporters in different regions of the rat brain from early juvenile life to late adulthood
Devel. Brain Res. 119, 251-257, 2000


Hüther, G.
Die biologischen Grundlagen der Erotik
Persönlichkeitsstörungen 3, 116-118, 1999

Hüther, G.
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Liebe und Konkurrenz
Persönlichkeitsstörungen 4, 186-191, 1999

Hüther, G.
Der Traum vom stressfreien Leben
Spektr. d. Wissensch. (Dossier Stress) 6–11, 1999

Hüther, G.
Acute regulation and long-term modulation of presynaptic serotonin output
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 467, 1-10, 1999

Hüther, G., Adler, L., Rüther, E.
Die neurobiologische Verankerung psychosozialer Erfahrungen
Zsch. Psychosom. Med. 45, 2-17, 1999

Hüther, G., Doering, S., Rüger, U., Rüther, E., Schüssler, G.
The stress-reaction process and the adaptive modification and reorganization of neuronal networks
Psychiatry Research 83- 95, 1999

Messner, M., Hardeland, R., Rodenbeck, A., Hüther, G.
Effect of continous melatonin infusions on steady-state plasma melatonin levels, metabolic fate and tissue retention in rats under near physiologic conditions
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 467, 303-313, 1999

Rodenbeck, A., Hüther, G., Rüther, E., Hajak, G.
Nocturnal melatonin sectretion and its modification by treatment in patients with sleep disorders
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 467, 898-93, 1999

Wegerer, V., Moll, Bagli, A., Rothenberger, A., Rüther, E., Hüther, G.
Persistently increased density of serotonin transproters in the frontal cortex of rats treated with fluoxetine during early juvenile life
J. Child Adolesc. Psychopharmacol. 9, 13-24, 1999


Hüther, G.
Stress and the adaptive self-organization of neuronal connectivity during early childhood
Int. J. Devl. Neurosci. 16, 297-306, 1998

Hüther, G.
Wirkungen und Gefahren von substituierten Amphetaminen (Ecstasy)
Internist 39, 312-313, 1998

Hüther, G.
Die Gefahren des Erfolgs und die Chancen der Ratlosigkeit
Universitas, Zschr. f. Interdisz. Wissensch 53, 1179-1193, 1998

Hüther, G., Messner, M., Rodenbeck, A. Hardeland, R.
Effect of continuous melatonin infusions on steady-state plasma melatonin levels in rats under near physiological conditions
J Pineal Res 24, 146-151, 1998

Hüther, G., Schmidt, S., Rüther, E.
Essen, Serotonin und Psyche
Dt Ärztebl 1998, 95 A, 477-479, 1998

Hüther, G., Schmidt, S., Rüther, E.
Nutritional Effects on central serotonergic activity: An Hypothesis on the unconscious self-manipulation of mood by food intake and dietary selection
Nutritional Neuroscience 1, 3-7, 1998

Messner, M., Hardeland, R., Rodenbeck, A., Huether, G.
Tissue retention and subcellular distribution of continuously infused melatonin in rats aunder near physiological conditions
J Pineal Res 25, 251-259, 1998

Messner, M., Hardeland, R., Rodenbeck, A., Huether, G.
Tissue retention and subcellular distribution of continuously infused melatonin in rats aunder near physiological conditions
J Pineal Res 25, 251-259, 1998


Huether, G., Zhou, D., Schmidt, S., Wiltfang, J., Rüther, E.
Long-term food restriction downregulates the density of sesrotonin transporters in the rat frontal cortex
Biol. Psychiatry 41, 1174-1180, 1997

Rothenberger A., Huether, G.
Die Bedeutung von psychosozialem Stress im Kindesalter für die strukturelle und funktionelle Hirnreifung: Neurobiologische Grundlagen der Entwicklungspsyfchopathologie
Praxis Kinderpsychol. Kinderpsychiat. 46, 623-644, 1997

Hajak, G., Rodenbeck, A., Ehrenthal, H.-D., Leonard, S., Wedekind, D., Sengos, G., Zhou, D., Huether, G.
No evidence for a physiological coupling between melatonin and glucocorticoids
Psychopharmacology 133, 313-323, 1997

Zhou, D., Schreinert, M., Pilz, J., Huether G.
Rat strain differences in the vulnerability of serotonergic nerve endings to neurotoxic damage by p-chloroamphetamine
J. Neural. Transmission 103, 1381-1395, 1997

Adler, L., Wedekind, D., Pilz, J., Weniger, G., Huether, G.
Endocrine correlates of personality traits: A comparison between emotionally stable and emotionally labile healthy young men
Neuropsychobiology 35, 205-210, 1997

Huether, G., Zhou, D., Rüther, E.
Long-term modulation of presynaptic 5-HT output: differentiation between changes in 5-HT transporter density or tryptophan hydroxylase content and 5-HT innervation density
J. Neural. Transm. 104, 993-1004, 1997

Adler, L., Hajak, G., Lehmann, K., Kunert, H.-J., Hoffmann, G., Issinger, J., Böke, J., Huether, G., Rüther, E.
On the problems of switching from intravenous to oral administration in drug treatment of endogenous depression Pharmacopsychiat 30, 62-69, 1997

Wiltfang, J., Smirnov, A., Schnierstein, B., Kelemen, G., Matthies, U., Klafki H-W., Staufenbiel, M., Hüther, G., Rüther, E., Kornhuber, J.
Improved electrophoretic separation and immunoblotting of beta-amyloid (Aß) peptides 1-40, 1-42, and 1-43
Electrophoresis 18, 527-532, 1997

Bandelow, B., Sengos, G., Wedekind D., Huether, G., Pilz, J., Broocks, A., Hajak, G., Rüther, E.
Urinary excretion of cortisol, norepinephrine, testosterone, and melatonin in panic disorder
Pharmacopsychiat 30, 113-117, 1997

Huether, G., Fettkötter, I., Keilhoff, G., Wolf, G.
Serotonin acts as a radical scavenger and is oxidized to a dimer during the respiratory burst of activated microglia
J Nneurochem 69, 2096-2101, 1997

Huether, G., Zhou, D., Rüther E.
Causes and consequences of the loss of serotonergic presynapses elicited by the consumption of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, „ecstasy“) and its congeners
J Neural Trans 104, 771-794, 1997

Grecksch, G., Zhou, D., Franke, C., Schörder, U., Sabel, B., Becker, A., Huether, G.
Influence of olfactory bulbectomy and subsequent imipramine treatment on 5-hydroxytryptaminergic presynapses in the rat frontal cortex: Behavioural Correlates
Brit J. Pharmacol 122, 1725-1731, 1997


Huether, G.
Melatonin as an antiaging drug: between facts and fantasy
Gerontology 42, 87-96, 1996

Fuchs, E., Wasmuth, J.-Ch., Flügge, G., Huether, G., Troost, R., Beyer, J.
Dirunal variation of corticotropin-releasing factor binding sites in the rat brain and pituitary
Cell. Molec. Neurobiol. 16, 21-37, 1996

Hajak, G., Rodenbeck, A., Bandelow, B., Friedrichs, S., Huether, G., Rüther, E.
Nacturnal plasma melatonin levels after flunitrazepam administration in healthy subjects
Eur Neurophsychopharmacol. 6, 149-153, 1996

Huether G.
The Central Adaptation Syndrome: Psychosocial stress as a trigger for adaptive modifications of brain structure and brain function
Prog. Neurobiol. 48, 569-612, 1996

Huether G., Doering, S., Rüger, U., Rüther, E., Schüßler, G.
Psychische Belastungen und neuronale Plastizität: Ein erweitertes Modell des Streß-Reaktions-Prozesses als Grundlage für das Verständnis zentralnervöser Anpassungsprozesse
Zsch. psychosom. Med. 42, 102-127, 1996

Zhou, D., Huether, D., Wiltfang, J., Hajak, G., Rüther
Serotonin transporters in the rat frontal cortex: Lack of circadian rhythmicity but downregulation by food restriction
J. Neurochem. 67, 656-661, 1996

Huether, G. and Schuff-Werner, P. Platelet
Serotonin acts as a locally releasable antioxidant
Adv. Exp Biol Med 398, 299-306, 1996

George, A., Poeggelere B., Huether G.
Melatonin Measurements in Tissues
Adv Exp Biol Med 398, 691-696, 1996

Huether G.
Melatonin – Quo vadis? Interview mit G. Huether, Göttingen
Internist 37, 1285-1287, 1996

Hajak, G., Rodenbeck, A., Hardeland, R., Huether, G. Melatonin
Vom Stiefkind der Hormonforscher zur Goldmarie der Vermarktungsstrategen
TW Neurologie Psychiatrie 10, 384-390, 1996

Hajak, A., Rodenbeck, A., Huether, G., Bandelow, B., Herrendorf, G., Staedt, J., Rüther E.
Nocturnal melatonin secretion and sleep after Doxepin administration in chronic primary insomnia
Pharmacopsychat 29, 187-192, 1996


Schuff-Werner, P., Splettstösser, W., Schmidt, F., and Huether, G.
Serotonin acts as a radical scavenger and is oxidized to a dimer during the respiratory burst of human mononuclear and polymorphonuclear phagocytes
Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 25, 477-484, 1995

Hajak, G., Rodenbeck, A., Staedt, J., Bandelow, B., Hüther, G., Rüther, E.
Nocturnal plasma melatonin levels in patients suffering from chronic primary insomnia
Journal of Pineal Research, 19, 116-122, 1995


Huether, G.
Melatonin Synthesis in the gastrointestinal tract and the impact of nutritional factors on circulating melatonin
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719, 147-159, 1994


Huether, G., Poeggeler, B., Adler, L., and Rüther, E.
Effects of indirectly acting serotonin agonists on circulating melatonin levels in rats
Eur. J.Pharmacol. 1993 236, 249-254, 1993

Läer, S., Block, F., Huether, G., Heim, C.h. Sontag, K.-H.
Effect of transient reduction of cerebral blood flow in normotensive rats on striatal dopaminerelease
J. Neural Transmission. [GenSect] 92, 203-211, 1993

Huether, G.
The contribution of extrapineal sites of melatonin synthesis to circulating melatonin levels in higher vertebrates
Experientia 49, 665-670, 1993


Poeggeler, B., Huether, G.
Versatile one-tube scintillation proximity homogeneous radioimmunoassay of melatonin
Clin Chem. 38, 314-315, 1992

Huether, G., Rittner, I., Reimer, A., Adler, L., Youdim, M.B.H.
Early appaerance of serotonin in the embryonal circulation and its action on the developing cardiovascular system of the chick embryo
Biogenic Amines 8, 421-430, 1992

Huether, G., Poeggeler, B., Reimer, A., George, A.
Effect of tryptophan administration on circulating melatonin levels in chicks and rats: evidence for stimulation of melatonin synthesis and release in the gastrointestinal tract
Life Sci. 51, 945-953, 1992

Huether, G., Thoemke, F., Adler, L.
Administration of tryptophan-inriched diets to pregnant rats retards the development of the serotonergic system in their offspring
Dev. Brain Res. 68, 175-18, 1992

Huether, G., Hajak, G., Reimer, A., Poeggeler, B., Blömer, M., Rodenbeck, A., Rüther, E.
The metabolic fate of infused L-tryptophan in men: possible clinical implications of the accumulation of circulating tryptophan and tryptophan metabolites
Psychopharma-cology 106, 442-432, 1992


Huether, G., and Lajtha, A.
Changes in free amino acid concentrations in serum, brain, and CSF throughout embryogenesis
Neurochem. Res. 16, 145 – 150, 1991

Hajak, G., Huether, G., Blanke, J., Blömer, M., Freyer, C., Poeggeler, B., Reimer, A., Rodenbeck, A., Schulz-Varszegi, M. and Rüther, E.
Influence of intraveous L-tryptophan on plasma melatonin and sleep in men
Pharmacolpsychiatry 24, 17 -20, 1991


Holder, M. and Huether, G.
Role of prefeedings, plasma amino-acid ratios and brain serotonin levels in carbohydrate and protein selection
Physiology and Behavior 47, 113-119, 1990

Huether, G., Reimer, A., Schmidt, F., Schuff-Werner, P. and Brudny, M.M.
Oxidation of the indole nucleus of 5-hydroxytryptamine and formation of dimers in the presence of peroxidase and H2O2
J. Neural Transmission (Suppl.) 32, 249-257, 1990


Huether, G.
Nutrition and brain development in the perinatal period
Nutr. Clin. Appl., 1989, 19-25

Huether, G.
Amino Acid availability and brain development: effects of nutritional and metabolic inadequacies
Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 43, 1989, 19-25


Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
The effects onf sensory stimulation on the free amino acid pool of the developing brain
Neurochem. Res. 13, 1988, 617- 620


Zhang, J., Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
Acceleration of tubulin forma- tion in the optic lobe of the chick embryo by light stimulation
Neurochem. Res. 12, 1987, 331-334

Zhang, J., Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
Regional protein patterns of the embryonic chick brain: Developmental shifts and the effects of light stimulation
Int. J. Devel. Neurosci. 5, 1987, 151-161


Huether, G., Thoemke, F., Sprotte, U., Steinhaus, U., Neuhoff, V.
Altered precursor availability and metabolism of monoamines in the brain caused by the injection of physiologic saline to suckling rats
Neurochem. Int. 7, 1985, 725-730

Huether, G., Kaus, R., Neuhoff, V.
Amino acid depletion in the blood and the brain tissue of hyperphenylalaninemic rats is abolished by the administration of additional lysine. A contribution to the understanding of the metabolic defects in phenylketonuria
Biochem. Med. 33, 1985, 334-341

Huether, G.
Regulation of rat liver phenylalanine hydroxylase by the availability of phenylalanine and tyrosine during postnatal development
Molec. Physiol. 7, 1985, 185-194

Zanchin, G., Huether, G.
Features and functions of the blood-brain barrier
Funkt. Biol. Med. 4, 1985, 95-105


Huether, G., Schott, K., Sprotte, U., Thoemke, F., Neuhoff, V.
Regulation of the amino acid availability in the developing brain. No physiological significance of amino acid competition in experimental hyperphenylalaninemia
Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. 21, 1984, 43-54

Thoemke, F., Huether, G.
Breeding rats on amino acid imbalanced diets for three consecutive generations affects the concentrations of putative amino acid transmitters in the developing brain
Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. 2, 1984, 567-574

Rath, W. Hüther, G., Hilgers, R., Schwab, E.
Beeinflussung der nichtgraviden und graviden Cervix uteri durch lokale Applikation eines Calcium-Tylose-Gels
Archives of Gynecology, 1984,  238, 740-741


Huether, G., Kaus, R., Neuhoff, V.
Brain development in experimental hyperphenylalaninaemia: Disturbed proliferation and reduced cell numbers in the cerebellum
Neuropediatrics 14, 1983, 12-19

Schott, K., Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
Free amino acid concentrations in the gut lumen of developing rats
Biochem. Med. 29, 1983, 285-292

Huether, G., Sprotte, U., Thoemke, F., Neuhoff, V.
Die Rolle aromatischer Aminosäuren bei der Regulation von Stoffwechsel und Verhalten
Funkt. Biol. Med. 2, 1983, 18-30


Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
Individual carboxylic ester hydrolases of the developing cerebellum: Influence of experimental hyperphenyl-alaninaemia
Cell. Mol. Biol. 28, 1982, 313-317

Neuhoff, V., Huether, G., Engelhardt, U.
Sensitive fluorescence staining for RNA and DNA species separated in polyacrylamide gels
Electrophoresis 3, 1982, 172-174

Piel, N., Lane, J.D., Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
Impaired permeability of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid-barrier in hyperphenylalaninemia
Neuropediatrics 13, 1982, 88-92

Huether, G., Kaus, R., Neuhoff, V.
Brain development in experimental hyperphenylalaninaemia: Myelination
Neuropediatrics 13, 1982, 177-182


Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
Microelectrophoresis as a tool in enzyme histochemistry
Histochem. J. 13, 1981, 207-225

Neuhoff, V., Ewers, E., Huether, G.
Spot analysis for glycoprotein determination in the nanogram range
Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Chem. 362, 1981, 1427-1434

Huether, G., Neuhoff, V.
Use of alpha-methylphenylalanine for studies of brain development in experimental phenylketonuria
J. Inher. Met. Dis. 4, 1981, 67-68


Huether, G., Richter, K.
Die Mikrodisk-Elektrophorese als Methode zur Untersuchung taxonomischer und ökologischer Fragestellungen am Beispiel einiger Aphidana
Entomolog. Nachr. 22, 1979, 169-176

Huether, G., Luppa, H.
The multiple forms of brain acetylcholin-esterase: III. Implications for the histochemical demonstration of acetylcholinesterase
Histochemie 62, 1979, 115-121

Huether, G., Andrä, J.
Mikroelektrophorese – Erfahrungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten
Z. f. med. Lab.-Diagn. 21, 1979, 67-77


Huether, G, Luppa, H., Ott, T.
The multiple forms of brain acetylcholinesterase: II. A suggestion of their functional importance
Histochemie 55, 1978, 55-62


Huether, G., Luppa, H.
Demonstration of acetylcholinesterase by semipermeable membrane technique: Estimation of soluble and fixation-labile portions in different regions of the central nervous system
Histochemie 51, 1977a, 245-251

Huether, G., Luppa, H.
Methodical aspects of the histochemical demonstration of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase
Cell. Molec. Biol. 22, 1977b, 353-356

Huether, G., Luppa, H.
The multiple forms of brain acetylcholin-esterase: I. Microelectrophoresis and topochemical analysis of the pattern
Histochemie 53, 1977c, 317-325


Huether, G., Luppa, H.
The histochemical demonstration of choline acetyltransferase by semipermeable membrane technique
Histochemie 49, 1976, 303-307